Located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Living by Faith Mission Inc. is a word-based, deliverance ministry dedicated to faith, formation, evangelism, and growth. Through these principles, we have been able to reach people of varying faith levels.
About Us
To lead the lost to salvation and convert the life of a sinner to a life of deliverance and fulfillment.
To expound on the word of God through preaching and teaching, in hopes that the lost would be saved and the faith of the believer would be strengthened.
Our History
Licensed ministry work began
Anthony Latham licensed as a Minister.
Living by Faith Mission Inc. established
State incorporated body; non-profit.
Pastor & Founder
Pastor Latham earned a Doctorate of Divinity.
Apostolic Affirmation
Affirmed as an Apostle.
Partners in Fellowship
Living by Faith Mission Inc. joined with Holy Landmark Church in fellowship and ministry, dual service locations established.
16th Year Anniversary
16 year anniversary of dedication and faith.
In Spirit & Truth Ministries Launch
Outreach ministry birthed to minister to the brokenness of those who seek liberty, through service to others, wisdom of counsel, and the word of God.
Our latest and best photos
We love to take pictures and show them to the world.
Learn the word of God with Dr. Sharon Cason